Saturday, December 12, 2009

Original B-I-B-L-E

We are surrounded by every resource imagineable to achieve effective Bible study. We have a plethora of commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, web sites (, and study Bibles to choose from and use. I myself have invested in several types of study Bibles, I have the NIV Student Bible, the Archaelogical Study Bible, the American Patriots Bible, and more. I have purchased these products to enhance my knowledge of the scriptures, to learn/know more about God and His Word. These things are great, but perhaps we need less.

I have put aside the study Bibles with their copious notes, sidebars, and cross references, and am just reading a Bible that has the Words of Christ in red. I am learning more about God, and drawing closer to Him than I have with these various other study books.

You see, the Christian faith is a heart faith, more than a head faith. As I read God's Word, uninhibated by scholars notes/opinions/thoughts, I have more opportunity to reflect on the scripture itself, and what God is speaking o me through it.

Use the study tools, occasionally. But, always make time to just simply read God's Word.

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