Monday, July 19, 2010

Re-enactor's Ministry

This is a great story about a ministry reaching a very select group of people, Civil War Re-enactors:

Who is God calling you to reach out to? Who is it that only you are capable of reaching? that you are uniquely called to reach?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions

This book is past due! For far too long the church has stigmatized cross-sex friendships. They have created this fear, or thought process, that any male/female relationship has to end in sex, or be sexually charged. As we see from Dan Brennan's Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions, this does not have to be the case. We don't have to live in fear of the opposite sex!

Brennan reveals that male/female relationships are not only possible, but healthy. He uses the stories of Jesus, and His relationship with women (as seen from scripture) to make his point.

Brennan addresses seven issues regarding cross-sex friendships:

  • Sacred Sexuality and Friendship

  • Romantic Myth and Friendship

  • Sacred Order and Friendship

  • Sacred Unions and Friendship

  • Sacred Passions and Friendship

  • Sacred Bodies and Friendship

  • Sexual Shalom and Friendship

This book is full of valuable information. The reader can definitely tell that the author has done extensive research on the subject. The material contained within these pages is priceless. This book is a must have for pastors, those who have been raised in the legalistic church, and those desiring deeper and more meaningful relationships. If nothing else, this book will open up your mind to new perspectives of cross-sex friendships!

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Galations 3:28

Interview with Dan Brennan, Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions:

Check out the authors blog -->

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Book of John

The Gospel of John is such a powerful book of the Bible. It is the most recommended book to be read by new believers, the reason, John gives us the most complete glimpse of who Christ really is, His Divinity and His humanity.

7 Signs of His Divinity

1. Turned water into wine (2:1-10)
2. Healing of noblemans son (4:46-54)
3. Healing of impotent man (5:1-9)
4. Feeding of the 5,000 (6:1-14)
5. Walking on the water (6:15-21)
6. Healing of blind man (9:1-41)
7. Raising of Lazarus from the dead (11:1-44)

4 Witnesses to the Power of Christ

1. John the Baptist (5:31-35)
2. Works of Christ (5:36)
3. The Father (5:37-38)
4. The Scriptures (5:39-47)

[John the Apostle could be considered to be the 5th witness]

7 "I am..." Statements (made by Christ, of who Christ is)

1. "...the bread of life..." (6:35,48)
2. "...the light of the world..." (8:12; 9:5)
3. "...the door..." (10:7,9)
4. "...the good shepherd..." (10:11,14)
5. "...the resurrection and life..." (14:6)
6. "...the way, the truth, and the life..." (14:6)
7. "...the true vine..." (15:1-5)

6 Indicators of His Humanity

1. weariness (4:6)
2. thirst (4:7)
3. dependence (5:19)
4. grief (11:35)
5. troubled soul (12:27)
6. anguish/death (19)

If we want a glimpse, or an introduction to who Christ is, and what He is all about, we need to start with John.